5 May 2013

Banana in PJs

Technically, the title makes sense because I made these while I was still in my PJs.
And also because I really miss watching Bananas in Pajamas.

I followed the same recipe with my choc chip muffins for these as well because
#1: I am lazy
#2: It is so easy
#3: I am lazy

Why make your life more difficult when you can use shortcuts eh?
Actually, I could've used the banana flavoring (that I happened to have found at home, which also expired but that's okay) but an authentic taste is always better.

500g of Golden Muffin Mix 
140g vegetable oil
112g milk
1 tbsp vanilla essence
4 eggs
2 (or more, if you like) bananas

- Pour everything together except the bananas and mix, whether by hand or standing mixer. I'd recommend the standing mixer because....duh.
- Mash the bananas (I actually just cut them into slices and let the mixer do its thang and I like chunky bits to bite into) and mix it well with the mixture.
- Pour into cupcake liners (till about 2/3 full - you'd want to avoid a mess of overflowed batter) and...bake for about 20 minutes (more or less) 
- Let it cool when out of the oven because you ain't hipster
- Consume this little piece of yellow goodness

I will be back with more baking fun when I actually find time in my pile of projects. Meanwhile, I'll just do cooking instead. I feel like a domestic goddess. 

(Maybe it's all been a lie, my baked goods actually tastes horrible I just capture them really well) 

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